Geek Girl Tech Story
She also noticed that small businesses, which makes up the largest part of our economy, are not prepared to protect themselves from cyber attacks. With hacking and security breaches on the rise, and the knowledge that 60% of small businesses that are attacked go out of business within six months, Jenn knew something needed to be done.
Determined to solve these problems, Jenn decided to build the company she wished she had worked for: ethnically diverse, gender balanced, and socially conscious.
Geek Girl Tech is an IT security and support company for socially conscious companies, working to create jobs and opportunities for the underrepresented in tech.
The Founders
Jenn Diesi
Founder & CEO
Jenn is a tech veteran and information security expert who brings 20+ years of experience protecting networks for global companies large and small. Jenn’s experience as a single mother, self-taught IT professional, and a woman in tech
inspired to create the company she always wanted to work for: a welcoming workplace with a meaningful mission to protect and empower others. In her spare
time, Jenn runs in ultra-marathons and can often be found on the trails around the Bay Area.
The Team
Loren Diesi
Chief Impact Officer
Loren brings an appreciation of the challenges that people around the world face, and how technology can help to level the playing field for them. In Ghana, she studied the effects of microfinance on women, and worked with an NGO to support their businesses. She ran girls’ leadership programs and organized malaria awareness workshops in Madagascar.
Lailanie Salzon
Project Manager
Lailanie is a project manager with a history of accomplishments in tech and other industries. She is committed to empowering women and is a firm believer that this leads to empowered communities. In her spare time, Lailanie mentors stay at home moms so they can start working as freelancers and have the income to needed support their families.
Ivellisse Morales
Marketing Manager
Ivellisse brings nearly a decade of experience helping mission-driven businesses and organizations to use the power of marketing, branding and design for social good. Prior to working with Geek Girl Tech, Ivellisse designed and executed social
impact initiatives and strategies for Fortune 500 companies at major agencies.